Holiday Weekend Review. Or: Wait! We had an extra day this weekend?

Nope.  It’s a lie.  Not possible.  It’s simply not true.  There is NO WAY there was an extra day this past weekend.  It didn’t happen.

Seriously?  It was Labor Day on Monday?  

I should be happy to have had Monday off.  The proverbial Monday drama has no hold.  Tuesday just doesn’t pull it off the same way Monday does.  It lacks that grating edge that Monday wields so well.  However, I feel like I got ripped off.

For those that follow, I made a loose promise to try to start on the Whole30 program, or at least get the distractions out of the way over the weekend.  Especially since there was an extra day.  Well, as you probably guessed, it didn’t happen.  Here’s a glimpse into what seems to be the norm in my household...

On Friday, I got a text message from Hubby.  “Boss gave me tickets to a football game for tomorrow. Noon game.”  Well, when the boss gives you tickets, you go.  

For a 12:00 game, we needed to leave the house by 10:00 to allow for travel, traffic, and navigating an unfamiliar college campus for parking.  The game was not a blowout, so of course, we stayed to the very end.  There went our Saturday.  (Said boss was already inquiring how we enjoyed the game by 8:00 am Tuesday morning.)  

Sunday morning brought something new to me: waking up with a nausea-inducing sinus headache.  Wow, I’ve never experienced that before.  I’ve had classic migraines on occasion since I was a pre-teen.  But this was different.  Daaaaamn.  Took me down for nearly the entire day.

Monday?  Well, Monday was crazy rush trying to do what should have happened on Sunday.  Cleaning up the house because we had people coming over!!  Yeah, remember how that goes?  2:00 pm was the deadline.  Snacks went from homemade to store bought in a blink.  And pizza ended up being ordered instead of grilling burgers and hot dogs since the propane tank for the grill was empty and the place where we refill was closed for Labor Day.  

But guess what?  Everyone had a blast, enjoyed themselves, and didn’t care that there might have been a stack of mail on the kitchen counter that didn’t get scooped up before they arrived.  They didn’t care that we had pizza or store bought snacks.  It was just a fun time with friends we love.

So I guess I really didn’t get ripped off, did I?  I have fond memories of planning a vacation with friends we adore.  Yeah, I’m still working on loads of laundry I would have done over the weekend, but no one is going out of the house in dirty underwear. (Or, at least it’s not my fault if they are.)

So, I will say that I will try again.  Eventually, I’ll get on board.  In the meantime, I’m going to make a wish for a sexy file boy to randomly show up when I clap my hands (I can’t snap) to take care of all the paperwork that makes it into my house demanding attention so I can sit back with a yummy drink, typing away, but watching over the top of my laptop with one eye.   

What is a project you’ve been wanting to get to, but just haven’t yet?  And, can someone explain to me how it now Friday morning?