I Failed. Or: 30 Days, Take Two

For any of you who read my post at the beginning of the month titled 30 Days of Heaven or Hell, you might be wondering how that is going.  Well, not so good...


I never started.


So here’s one of my challenges:  So many things in life keep bumping other things down on the priority list.  Clean laundry?  Yeah, that’s important.  Friends coming over?  Quick, hide all the clutter.  (Yes, I’m keeping it real here.)  Late notice for the electric bill?  I bet the original was in that pile of clutter I hid when we had people coming over last week. *Sigh*

Other tasks get in the way, some growing exponentially, and the next thing I know, a month has slipped by, and I have less energy and less room in my clothes than I did 30 days ago.  *Double sigh*

There were even moments when I sat down with the Whole30 book and made out a meal/grocery plan, along with an action plan to make it happen.  And that’s where it ended.  *embarrassed sigh*

We are coming up on a long weekend here in the good old USofA.  I’m not going to sit here and promise that I’ll get things under control.  Heck, world peace might be an easier task.  But I can promise I will make some extra effort to think about what really should be a priority, and what is something I’m doing just for a distraction from the overwhelming pile of papers on my desk.  (Anyone seen the water bill?)

What is something you’ve been procrastinating, or maybe just haven’t gotten up in rank on the priority list?