Yard Work Or: Enrique the Christmas Tree

So... I love everything Christmas.  Well, just about.  That Elf on the Shelf is a little bit creepy looking, and I don’t have the time for coming up with ideas to compete with all the Pinterest posts on what other people do with theirs.  Nor do I wish to clean up the mess involved in simply copying what said people do.  

Anyway, as I said, I have a love of almost all things Christmas.  My house is decked out pretty much right after Halloween.  (Go ahead and send the hate mail all you Thanksgiving lovers.  I know where the delete button is.  Just kidding!  Not really.)  I’ve lost count of how many trees I have ranging from 9’ tall to 2 inches short.  All with different color schemes or themes.

I love it year round. The music on my phone is at least 1/3 Christmas music, if not more.  And I do not skip those songs when they come up in a random shuffle.  It can be 100 degrees in the middle of summer and I’m singing along. (Remember those Ella Fitzgerald songs I sing while mowing the lawn?) I have a tree in my yard that has white lights on it plugged into a timer to light up at night all year long.  So when a plant I had in a pot near my front door didn’t survive the summer this year, I knew exactly what I wanted to put in that pot.

Yeah, it's blurry.  You get the idea.

Yeah, it's blurry.  You get the idea.

A quick trip to Lowe’s for a few little flowers for the fall, and one very special plant later,  meet George…


Yes, I named it George.  (I have a Bird of Paradise plant inside that I named Pary.  We name our vehicles too.  But that’s probably worth a whole separate blog post, so I’ll save those details.)

But here’s where it gets funny.  I sent the picture of George to my BFF and here’s the conversation that followed…

Me: I just bought another Christmas tree!  WITH HUBBY!

Her: Well that’s a first.  That’s awesome.

Her: Cute tree. Where did you find it?

Me: Lowe’s. You KNOW I’m going to put lights on it.  

Me: It WANTS lights.  It told me so itself.  

Her: Yup

Me: I named it George.  

Her: Looks more like an Enrique

Me: Think so?  Hmmmm

Her: Enrique would love lights.

Me: I think you’re right

Her: Not sure about George

Me: I like that.  Enrique.  

Me: Yeah.  Enrique wants lights.

Her: He’s got a little spice to him.

Me: You get me.

Her: LOL


So, yeah, George is now Enrique.  And soon he will have his requested lights.  #LoveAmazon

And while typing this very blog post, that same BFF (she works at the mall) sent me the following picture and message...


"Just trimmed this tree"

"Just trimmed this tree"

Yeah, I'll keep her.

What is your favorite holiday?  Do you go all out?